I was refering to the PAIR of genes for base color not how the gene pair would be depicted. I thought that might be clearer depicted by Bb rather then BB, but o matter how I did it, it probably woulodn't have been clear. Oh well, so go the wars. The cow could be heterozygous for black or Bb, with the bull being BB the calf could be BB or Bb, but that has no affect on the spotting gene pair or pairs. I saw a study on faciqal colors that said the reason HerefordXAngus has a white face is because the Angus has basically a null pair for face color and the Hereford has a dominant pair for that trait. Once you start geetting into spotting, diluter and modifier gene pairs the results get strange.
> Doesn't homozygous refer to BB and
> herterozygous refer to Bb?