After most of you have your hay in the stack, here we go. Will finish baling first meadow at the Home Place today. There was a full day of baling today and as of midnight when I quit we were at par of last year's short crop. If the trend stays our fears of being short will be for naught. We have 375 tons of 16% alfalfa already bought and 4 loads are here now.
Got to bed at 1 am and up at 5:30 to check a bear snare that the predator trappers set up yesterday. It was full of bear that is now not a calf killer. Second in two weeks, the first killed a yearling steer.
Got to bed at 1 am and up at 5:30 to check a bear snare that the predator trappers set up yesterday. It was full of bear that is now not a calf killer. Second in two weeks, the first killed a yearling steer.