: Hello, I am a Soph. at Sam Houston State University and have a term paper due on the use of computers and the cattle industry. I've tried several links but can find nothing. Any suggestions where I can get research information. (other than our library, not much there?)<br>: Thanks Sharla<p>Computers and record keeping in the cattle industry is becoming more widely used. (I don't know what we would do without them!) I'm not quite sure what type of computer usage you are looking for...but here are a couple of suggestions. <p>The cyberstockyard (
http://www.cyberstockyard.com) offers online cattle auctions...they may be able to give you some information. The angus association offers their own herd management software (
http://www.angus.org) along with an online service for advertising bulls and angus influenced calves for sale (see ARCNet on angus website). The angus association has also begun promoting ultrasound usage to collect carcass data (on live animals)and offers an online computerized sire selection helper. (ABS Global at
http://www.absglobal.com also offers a sire selection helper.) Our Tru-Test load cells that we use to record our animal weights is attached to an indicator/recorder and may also interface with a computer for storage & printing. Another high tech cattle computer cattle usage you may also wish to check into is the Heat Watch system. (I have seen this discussed on one of these Q&A pages.) Hope this helps. Good Luck on your term paper.<p>Jennifer<br>Double A Angus Ranch<br>