We started with a dump rake, horse drawn sickle bar and pitchforks, onto the pickup....wow. Then bought a tractor with a sickle bar, then a baler with an engine mounted on the front like the amish use with their horses...Couldn't find anyone to make it. Now we are "big time" and have a lot of money in some fairly new equipment. Most of the farms we rent have hay ground and pasture. Hay ground doesn't have any fences, or no water nearby....we make hay on several places, given to us so the owners can keep farm land use taxes....But we can buy hay as cheap or cheaper than making it many years.
We custom make small square bales and sell them to some horse people, and even cattle people who have some 4-H or FFA show calves. Also some to goat and llama owners now. It pretty much pays for the fertilizer and most expenses, twine, fuel etc., and we do custom for a few too.
It is like everyone else; custom operators can't get there when your hay is at optimal stage...last year it rained so much that almost no one got 1st cutting made until late June....No way would a custom operator been able to get most hay 1st cutting done before the end of July. My son enjoys cutting, and I enjoy tedding and raking so it has some pluses there. But not all our equipment is new. The discbine is new, have a couple of round balers that are probably 10 years old. Wheel rake that is 10+ years old, a couple of side delivery rakes that are MANY years old. Newest tractor is 20 + years old and I do alot of raking with the Farmall super H....now how "NEW" is that????? Tedder is probably 10+ years old too. We can work on and fix all the older stuff...no electronics to go bad on the H...put an umbrella on it 2 years ago as the hot sun was a bit too much some days for me....He does use a cab tractor with air-conditioning for mowing with the discbine (partly for the safety of the cab with the discbine) and the air-conditioning is essential for round baling - heat and dust.
We use the bigger tractors on the farm all the time so they are not just a "haying" expense.