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I bought a new halter yesterday for my show steer and i started out with the rope halters with the lead rope built into it ...i bought one with a chain that goes under his chin and then it has a ring where u clip the lead rope on to it...my question is ...can i leave this halter on him without the lead rope hooked on while i am gone and just leave it on him at all times so he will be easy to catch? or will the chain hang way down and get caught on something..thanks for your help

[email protected]
I wouldn't leave the halter on your steer. You would be running a strong risk of coming home and finding an injured or dead steer.
I agree 100% with Linda! It's not safe to leave your calf with a halter on, especially the chain type. If he got his lead hung on something he hurt himself.

[email protected]
Depends on timing. When I am first halter breaking my calves, I leave the rope halter with long lead on, and they drag the rope. They are kept in a confined area. This teaches them to stop when they step on the rope. As I am able to approach the calf and handle her/his head, I will remove the halter completely. You never want to "chase" or "trap" your calf. Get them used to you "cuddling" their face, scratching behind the ears, so you can walk up to them & place the halter on. Jeanne

Simme Valley in NY
[email protected]
If your steer is in a small, boarded pen with nothing to catch the halter, he's probably fine. However, if he is in a large area or pasture, it's probably not a good idea. If he does get stuck somewhere (this could happen with any type of halter) he may dehydrate or starve and die. Also if he gets stuck somewhere he may pull back, which will scar the muscle and skin around his head, I know rope halters can leave permanent indents (muscle damage) and white marks (scarring) around the animals head. In severe cases a chain will actually put an indent in the animal's jaw bone, especially if the animal is still growing rapidly. If your decide it is safe to leave the halter on, make sure it is loose so that if the animal gets in trouble he can rub it off. (Many steers will take the halter off just for fun, but its better than the alternative) This is also important if you're gone for a long time because a young animal that is still growing with a tight halter on will actually grow around the halter, causing the halter to have to be surgically removed from the animals head, and the aftermath is not very pretty. Not that you're going to be gone that long, but just FYI Good luck with your steer!

[email protected]
>I personally NEVER recommend leaving any kind of a halter being left on your calf. Just an accident waiting to happen. Can also eat into their head if left on over period of time. Take the halter off!!! I bought a new halter yesterday
> for my show steer and i started
> out with the rope halters with the
> lead rope built into it ...i
> bought one with a chain that goes
> under his chin and then it has a
> ring where u clip the lead rope on
> to it...my question is ...can i
> leave this halter on him without
> the lead rope hooked on while i am
> gone and just leave it on him at
> all times so he will be easy to
> catch? or will the chain hang way
> down and get caught on
> something..thanks for your help

[email protected]