Buy or borrow a simple, hand held GPS unit, some batteries and a package of colored marker flags on wire.
Assuming the red line is running straight north south, start at your upper point and walk straight south, keeping the same longitude coordinate all the way, put in a flag every so often and you will have a straight enough N-S line to put posts in.
Go to the bend in the road on the right side of your sketch. Let the GPS stabilize and note the coordinates of that point. Then walk west holding the latitude coordinate constant, putting in a flag every so often.
Where your two flag lines cross is that intersection point and corner of your red lines. It will have the longitude of your first point on top of the red line and the latitude coordinate of the bend on the road.
If you find this point and let the GPS stabilize, you should be within about 10 feet or so of the exact point, depending on how good a gps unit you are using. You can buy a simple Garmin unit at many outdoors stores for not very much money. You don't need one with street maps of France, just a hikers unit with latitude and longitude readouts.
If the red lines are not north/south and east/west it gets a bit more complex - you just need to determine from a map what the latitude and longitude of the intersection point is.
Or just find the red/red corner with this method, put in a good corner and use the wire snap method to get a straight line as suggested above.
I laid out a fenceline through some heavy woods for the dozer and fencing crews with the gps and flag method and it worked well. Good luck.