Gelbvieh breed

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Gelbvieh are noted for their maternal traits, i.e., calving ease, milk production, etc. One attribute that isn't measured is the care they take of their calf. Gelbvieh tend to be excellent mothers in this regard. The thing to remember is that as in all breeds there are those that are poor mothers and knot heads. The worst I've seen in Gelbvieh for the knor head sybdrom is a few that are stank-offish. Not really wild but just tend to stay on the edges of whatever is going on. The meat has very little marbling but is quite good. Generally larger rib-eye then british breeds. They make an excellent cross with the british breeds as do Simmenthal, althjoug hwith both breeds you will have a larger mature animal.

dunmovin farms

> Hi I was just wondering what you
> thought of the Gelbvieh breed. Any
> good for disposition, meat value,
> calving ease? thanks in advance

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