farmguy":2ku2rz15 said:
We recently drove through Alabama on our way to Florida. There were cone shaped piles of dirt all over in some areas. Were they fire ants? I asked a lady at a gas station but she talked about cow ants. What about fire ants? Are they native? Do they cause problems with the hills etc. Thanks I'm just curious. Farmguy
Probably were fire ants. Do they cause problems?? They can't crawl across your foot without stinking the he!! out of you and it hurts unlike any other ant sting you might have ever felt....They short out electrical contacters, etc. and are just really nasty. They multiply by the millions, start new colonies as fast as you might be able to kill one colony out and seem to be taking over everywhere. Probably can't take the cold up north but the South is alive with them. Wonder if we could ship a few loads of the middle east??