They have fooled people in to thinking that they refuse you if you don't have a credit score because you are a risk but look back on history. In the banking crisis of 08 they were canceling credit cards on people who always paid off their cards, not people carrying balances. I had a card out of college with like a 3K limit. It rarely carried a balance for more than a week or two. I would just log in every week or so and pay the balance, I didn't even wait for it to be due. They canceled my card. Was I, a person who always paid, a risk? No, I represented a $3K liability with no return on their money because it was always paid it off.
Do you think they give you higher limits for no reason? They just need you to slip and have a medical issue or lose a job or some thing like that one time and carry a balance so they can make money off you. They are just hyenas and vultures waiting for a moment of weakness.
They also know you will spread the marketing plan for them to your kids and friends and even though you never missed a payment, statistically, your kids or wife or husband or a young person you mentored will and you will have done their dirty work.
They don't get rich off of every one making their payments on time. People is the US are 1.142 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. I always find that staggering considering every one you always talk to with a card always pays it off on time.
Do you think they give you higher limits for no reason? They just need you to slip and have a medical issue or lose a job or some thing like that one time and carry a balance so they can make money off you. They are just hyenas and vultures waiting for a moment of weakness.
They also know you will spread the marketing plan for them to your kids and friends and even though you never missed a payment, statistically, your kids or wife or husband or a young person you mentored will and you will have done their dirty work.
They don't get rich off of every one making their payments on time. People is the US are 1.142 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. I always find that staggering considering every one you always talk to with a card always pays it off on time.