feeding guidelines

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I have purchased a 8 mo. old brangus bull and I won't to feed him as well as possible without overfeeding. I am currentlly feeding 12% sweet feed and hay. The previous owner says that he would feed him 2 gallons of sweet feed a day however, this seems light to me? I can purchase soybean hulls cheaper and that is what I am feeding my heifers. Any feeding guidelines would be appreciated. Also, at 12 mos of age if I turn him in with 10 charolais heifers can I expect any or all of them to get bred? thanks

[email protected]
Depends on how much he weighs. I already responded to your question some other place. An animal should be fed 1% of his body weight to start him on feed, and build him up to 3% of his body weight. If he weighs 800#, you should start with 8# grain and build him up to 24# (SLOWLY), plus good quality hay. Two gallons does not tell me how much since some feed weighs lighter than other. Cattle are fed by weight - not volume. A 12 month old - properly grown out bull might be able to handle 12 heifers. Too many "ifs" to say for sure. Jeanne

Simme Valley in NY
[email protected]