feeding bread, etc

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2005
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southwest, MO
We want to try feeding bread, day old buns, etc.. I know it is high in starch, which if overfed can cause butterfat to go down, but want to decrease my feed bill (pretty insane how feed prices are going up and up) I am worried about the mold issues, any one have any thoughts on bakery that might have a little mold, it effects on cows. I also read that they should still get some grain, and heifers and dry cows could eat more. If anyone has any thoughts on the mold or bread in general let me know.

I did see the other posts on bread feeding, but it didn't mention the mold issue.

Thanks Gail
are you wanting to feed it to the milking herd.if so id feed it as a topdress.an not cut their feed in the barn.but where it could sdave you money is the dry cows an bred heifers.but they still need some grain.i have no idea how much grain your feding them.i know feeding bread will make them fat.if fed in excess.
I vary on what I feed in the barn depending on stages since they calved. Right now I have few dry cows, and they are with the cows, thought I'd try it with my heifers, and dry cows first, and give my cows very little, and see how it goes.

Do you know anything about the mold issue?

I can tell you what we were told when we bought a cow that was fed bread. Ours was over weight and could not be bred. Once she dropped a little bit of it she was bred and looks good. We were told if you feed to much bread it messes with their inside, kidneys and such. Just a thought talk to your vet and get advice from him as well.
Thanks for the info, I think instead we may just find a different feed mix, something good but cheaper. I don't think the bread would be a reliable source, and the extra work of getting it, and unwrapping it, is something I'm not sure that I have time for.


We have been feeding bread, pies and donuts. (As you may have read my earlier post) We very rarely get any moldy stuff, so I can't answer that question.

Just last few weeks we were able to connect with a distributor. We keep his dumpster from being changed as often and I stretch my hay supply. Win-win situation.

We are picking up about 2000 lbs of bread each week to supplement our shortage of hay. So about 200-300 lbs a day. Our vet sees no problem with it as long as they still get hay. Lots of potien and energy.

I only have about 25 head of Angus-Hereford cross.

We are not the only farm doing this, guys are loading up everytime I go.

I have not seem many negetive responses and I have been monitoring the cattle close.

Yes, I spend an hour a day opening packages, and yes, it's FREE!
Have no problem feeding bread its free and cows like it. Just don't over feed with it can cause bloat. I use it as a 20% of total each day.
If I remember right, over feeding of bread can also cause acidosis, similar to over feeding of grain.
Have fed bread and bread products to both cattle and horses for years No problems they seem to preferr it to grain even
Mold again no problem
Was warned about feeding chocolate dounuts to dog

Also have fed potatos and pumpkins in fields got good gain on beef cattle Don't know about dairy

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