> would it be safe to put a round
> bale of timothy out in the corral
> for a couple geldings? If they are not use to getting free choice hay or grazing, they may gorge them selves and colic, I'd watch them for the first day or so.
> Yes it would work. I personally
> don't see why so many people have
> to feed their horses square bales.
> The other Jake
I too have fed round bales and square bales both small and large. The small bales most everone knows are easy to handle most times.the 3 strand you find in calif. and other parts of the country are to large for most wemon to handle. So now we have gone to 2 strand bales that may weigh less over all but all is subject to how well they are put up by the grower,weight wise. Most times wemon feed the horses,small bales are easy to handle. The round bales tend to roll down hill if fed on a hill. That is ok if you cut them open and start the rolling yourself. If not than you need a tractor to get it moved up hill again.So we swiched to square again Large Bales 8' x4' they work really well in our area MTS. because don't have to worrie about the above and they stack neatly.So COOL!!! Just a thought..