Well-known member
I am skeptical of the Wagyu market with the way our economy is shaping up. There is talk about more of the end meat winding up in the grind and people not eating out as much. Also some of the cattle on niche markets like no hormones are finding resistance because of the higher costs to consumers.
As to the cost of bull, I have used the old rule of thumb of what my 5 best steers calves bring or 3 good bred cows. You mentioned 44 Farms and the costs on their bulls. Have you ever watched or followed a Superior sale? They will mention that the calves are sired by 44 Farms or another reputation breeder. The buyers perceive there is value in cattle with known genetics. Remember, when selling cattle it is all about perception whether you are selling a truckload or one at a time. An order buyer sitting in a sale barn putting together a group of calves one at a time must 1) does the calf fit an order I have; 2) determine the sex (steer, bull or heifer) some orders can be steer/bull and others steers only; 3) estimate the quality of the calf; 4) estimate the weight to see if the calf fits the order (at most Texas sales, cattle are weighed after they sell); 5) is it the right color. It is all about perception and has to be done in 8 to 12 seconds.
As to the cost of bull, I have used the old rule of thumb of what my 5 best steers calves bring or 3 good bred cows. You mentioned 44 Farms and the costs on their bulls. Have you ever watched or followed a Superior sale? They will mention that the calves are sired by 44 Farms or another reputation breeder. The buyers perceive there is value in cattle with known genetics. Remember, when selling cattle it is all about perception whether you are selling a truckload or one at a time. An order buyer sitting in a sale barn putting together a group of calves one at a time must 1) does the calf fit an order I have; 2) determine the sex (steer, bull or heifer) some orders can be steer/bull and others steers only; 3) estimate the quality of the calf; 4) estimate the weight to see if the calf fits the order (at most Texas sales, cattle are weighed after they sell); 5) is it the right color. It is all about perception and has to be done in 8 to 12 seconds.