feed program

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would it be worth my time and money to feed rumenson or bovitec along with corn and hay to finish out about 4 cattle. im looking to buy in the spring and butcher late fall. also looking for a feed plan to finish cattle from say 700 to butcher weight?
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[email protected]
I don't think you'll notice a difference on 4 head. The only exception might be if your pasture has alot of alfalfa or other legume that could cause bloat when you introduce grain to the calves.<p>If you buy 700 pound feeders in the spring, introduce grain right away. Start with a couple pounds a day and increase it slow but regular, until you are feeding 15-20 pounds a day. If the grass is good, you won't need any extra roughage.<p>Jason Trowbridge<br>Southern Angus Farms<br>Alberta Canada
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[email protected]
(User Above)":vhws97ah said:
: I don't think you'll notice a difference on 4 head. The only exception might be if your pasture has alot of alfalfa or other legume that could cause bloat when you introduce grain to the calves.<p>: If you buy 700 pound feeders in the spring, introduce grain right away. Start with a couple pounds a day and increase it slow but regular, until you are feeding 15-20 pounds a day. If the grass is good, you won't need any extra roughage.<p>: Jason Trowbridge<br>: Southern Angus Farms<br>: Alberta Canada<p>
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[email protected]
talked to a farmer in iowa and he thought i should feed around 18- 20 lbs. corn and 1-2 leaves of alfalfa hay and 2.5 lbs. rumensin once i get cattle on full feed to butcher weight? does this sound right or will i have more money in the rumensin that it is worth? they call it beef builder out in iowa, know anything about that? i thought one of the bags he had there said B P balancer on it, thought it was made by purina wells. know of anything like that?<p><p><br>
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[email protected]
The rumensin I use is in a pure form. It costs over $12,000 a ton. Needless to say the amounts fed are very small. I buy a $400 bag and it lasts almost a year on over 100 head. Youcan buy a crumbles form of it for $20 a bag, but it works out more expensive that way. However for hand feeding it is probably better.<p>I don't know what beef builder is or the B P balancer. I do know you don't need anything other than grain and roughage to finish a beef. Fancy suppliments won't save you enough on a couple head to make any difference. Save your money and buy a little extra grain.<p>Jason Trowbridge<br>Southern Angus Farms<br>Alberta Canada
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[email protected]