I would NEVER consider raising 4-500# calves on grass. I "raise" my weaned heifers on whole shell corn from weaning (Sept) to breeding and turn out on grass (end of April). They are not pushed, but get 5#/hd/day and great baleage. They are EXPECTED to conceive at about 14 months of age.good point, I am considering buying some 400/500 lb heifers but have been hesitant because they have been fed cottonseed and corn. My concern is how they will do on just grass & hay. What are your thoughts? Are they young enough that it won't be significant transition OR has that feed trough made them less likely to thrive on grass/hay?
I am not a GRASSFED operation. I don't believe in the hoopla "they" have been feeding the public. Grassfed beef is NOT healthier than grain fed. Only TRUE research was at Texas A&M.
That being clarified, my herd (bred heifers thru old cows) do not get grain - just hay & grass. I just wanted to be clear.
Yes, you can "raise" them on grass if that is your choice. I wouldn't think they will be ready to breed at 14 months old, but what do I know?