My family doctor (gen. prac.) is a member of the family that owns & runs one of the divisions of the J. D. Hudgins Brahman ranch in Hungerford, Texas. He is active in the Hudgins ranch cattle business as well as his own cattle business. A few years ago I asked him if he thought it made any appreciable difference if when breeding for tigerstripes you used a Brahman bull with Hereford cows or the other way around. His response was that it did not. He had just bought around 300 Hereford cows to breed to Hudgins bulls --- a primary reason being that, in south Texas at least, you can usually buy quality Hereford cows a good bit cheaper than you can comparable quality Brahman cows. Another note -- they don't all "stripe up" --- the ones that don't are often referred to as "chocolate browns". Arnold Ziffle