European Cattle Breeds?

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charolais limousin simmental gelbvieh marchigiana romagnola piedmontese belgian blue pinzguaer blonde d'Aquitaine
Braunvieh, Maine Anjou, Normande, Chianina, Saler, Tarantaise are also classified as continental breeds.

dunmovin farms

> charolais limousin simmental
> gelbvieh marchigiana romagnola
> piedmontese belgian blue pinzguaer
> blonde d'Aquitaine
Hereford, Shorthorn, Angus, Galloway, British White are also European breeds but are classified as British rather then continental.

dunmovin farms

> Braunvieh, Maine Anjou, Normande,
> Chianina, Saler, Tarantaise are
> also classified as continental
> breeds.

> dunmovin farms
And don't forget the pure dairy breeds........

> dont forget scottish highland and
> dexter.

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