We got started in this by calling our local veterinarian. He knew of a couple of folks who did the work - and at a reasonable price.
One of them came out to the farm and gave us a quick lesson on the protocols required in getting a good donor cow up and ready. He then gave us some information on how to setr up for him when he brought his mobile lab to the farm for flushing, and such.
We have flushed and got as many as - I think - 12 eggs. And we have also been as low as 5.
He provides freezing service and storage as well.
In the end, each embryo worked out to be about 150 bucks inserted.
But, we used our own donor and our own cows.
If you are buying, you are taking the risk - we ran about 70% catch rate. So, if you are spending a bunch of money on embryos - plan on losing some. One thing our guy asked us to do - was to use younger animals as receivers - apparently the uterus in older cows is - to use his words - doughy - and therefore a proper placement is a bit more difficult.
I still reccommend this as a part of the breeding program - expensive - but it is an effective method of getting some darned nice animals.
A neighbour uses Holstein cows as donors. Lots of milk - When he weans the calf, he ships the cow.
Have fun with this - you can even make a little money if you get some real good calves. Or if you use the right combination of donor and semen - well, some folks will want to buy the embryo.