cow went down friday week ago. had put her up to give her extra feed because she looked really thin. She could have fallen down and twisted something. calf was 3 weeks old. bloodtest showed Mg level fine Ca level low vet gave her hi cal, predef, and we gave her 20 cc dexometh. for 3 days. On sunday (2 ds later) i lifted her up and she supported her weight and walked at least 50 ft then she refused to go any further and lay down. since then i have lifted her but she doen'nt respond doesn't have good feeling in her back legs someone told me it might be like creepers. she acts just like a cow that just had a calf and now is paralyzed. i was told maybe give her some vit e or others. she eats so so but doesn't really drink that much water open to suggestions otherwise i know where she is headed
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