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a couple of months ago i bought a cow calf pair. the guy i bought him from must have told me the wrong age of her calf because as i was getting ready to wean her calf (about 7 months of age) she birthed a large bull calf. she is totally rejecting this bull calf. we have tried everything and nothing is working. she tries to kill this calf. stomp it /head but it /keeps knocking it over. i penned her older calf up which im guessing is really 10 months old rather than 7 or 8. i do not have electric fence up and she jumped 2 separate fences to get to her mother and the mother is all of the sudden mega protecting her and letting her suck and treating her like a newborn. i think shes confused about this new birth seeing her older calf was not weaned yet. well anyway my question is this. i am bottle feeding this large bull calf (2 days of colostum and now medicated milk replacer) twice a day. can someone give me some dos and donts of bottle feeeding such as do i need to be giving him some type of eletrolyte pill or mix or some calf starter feed . any help would be appreciated. thanks