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I am wanting to improve my bottom line. I currently have twenty black cross-bred cows and try to breed to the best black angus bull I can afford. My question is; would it be more profitable to convert to brangus cows and breed to a good angus bull or should I perhaps consider going registered angus or brangus?

[email protected]
If they are good crossbred cows depending on how crossed), go with a good Angus bull, let the crossbreeding of the cows support the fertility and taking advantage of the growth potential and the Angus bull take care of calving ease, growth potential and carcass quality


> I am wanting to improve my bottom
> line. I currently have twenty
> black cross-bred cows and try to
> breed to the best black angus bull
> I can afford. My question is;
> would it be more profitable to
> convert to brangus cows and breed
> to a good angus bull or should I
> perhaps consider going registered
> angus or brangus?
With crossed cows like yours a really good angus bull would work great. There are a bunch of bulls out there we've been using A.I. to improve some of our herd and I'd suggest that. You can get some of the best in the breed for relitivly low prices if you figure out what it cost you to buy a bull your self. It come to about $20 bucks a cow. You could buy great semen with that money.

[email protected]

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