Old Dumb Guy
Net wrap certainly holds the bale tight and helps to minimize damage on hay stored outside. But once removed, it hangs up on every part of the tractor until I get back to the barn. Makes a big mess under the rotary mower if I mess up and throw it in a pile. Finds strips of it in the ground later that did not come off the bale when it was removed. Have fear when I see a calf or cow with a strip in its mouth. But plastic twine is worse for me since it takes so long to remove it with the cows "helping". Both seem to burn well at first, then turn into liquid plastic smothering the fire. Sisal does not last from spring hay to winter feeding here if there is ground contact. If you get on the highway with rotten sisal holding the bale, bad things can happen.
Overall I prefer net wrap. I now just throw it in the dumpster at the vet clinic. She does not seem to mind.
Overall I prefer net wrap. I now just throw it in the dumpster at the vet clinic. She does not seem to mind.