> Go with Angus. Chiangus is just a
> cross, not a true breed. If you
> select carefully you can find
> Angus cattle with the frame
> necessary to compete with any
> exotic, but retaining Angus
> traits. Once you have a good
> uniform cowherd established, you
> can crossbreed on your own if you
> choose to.
> Jason Trowbridge Southern Angus
> Farms Alberta Canada spoken like a true angus breeder why shift from semmintal? they cross to anything, have wonderful milk,are easy to work,sure they are hay burners but cross them and keep the heifers about 50% of my herd are semmi+ and they are money makers as long as calves are sold by the lb and you are not into show this would be my choice Regards Art (redcountry farms)
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