Davos Fencing Clip - The End of Fencing Staples?

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At 10:31, if you see how he holds the hammer (inexperienced) and how weak he hammers...then yes cat claws screws are a good deal for him,. I'm sticking with my galvanized fencing staples...small and large. who wants two separate items and a cordless screw driver to haul around? Hammer with fencing staples are just easier.
I don't know if I am getting weaker or if these old cedar posts are just too hard but I am having trouble driving a 1-1/2 staple in . I got some of those cats paw clips from Amazon . They work great. You can take them down tight or leave them loose. I had a place where the wire is on the wrong side and the cattle were always popping staples trying to reach through the fence. I think these will solve that problem. Kind of a pain carrying the driver, need a holster.

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