Dart Gun

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
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Stigler, OK
Where is the best place to get a dart gun worth the money? Would make my life a lot simpler and wouldn't have to cut one out of 70 head to give a shot.
Black and Good":1yk9mi7h said:
http://www.Pneudart.com The one I have is the Model 178B. Been real happy with it.

Is that the pump one or CO2? How many cc's can you shoot in a single dart? Thanks
I have a Pneu dart. I don't remember the model number but it is a pump up model. I really like it. To me the advantage of a pump versus a CO2 is you know how much power you have every shot. I would hate to fill a dart with an expensive drug only to find out the CO2 is nearly out and the dart gets half way to the cow. About 8 or 9 pumps on mine and it hits them pretty hard at 20-30 yards. The biggest dart is 10 cc.
Dave":rhzmlvg1 said:
I have a Pneu dart. I don't remember the model number but it is a pump up model. I really like it. To me the advantage of a pump versus a CO2 is you know how much power you have every shot. I would hate to fill a dart with an expensive drug only to find out the CO2 is nearly out and the dart gets half way to the cow. About 8 or 9 pumps on mine and it hits them pretty hard at 20-30 yards. The biggest dart is 10 cc.

Dave that sounds exactly what I need. I also agree with you, we use draxxin and it is a fairly expensive drug. I will go with the pump. Thanks for your feedback and Merry Christmas!
RanchMan90":3b4wbudn said:
I like the capchur gun. Not cheap, but every shot counts when your ammo is $25 a shot.

That's what I have. Knock on wood it's still in the box after about a year.

I bought it from a Vet at one of the local salebarns.
midTN_Brangusman":2t2hxrzs said:
Black and Good":2t2hxrzs said:
http://www.Pneudart.com The one I have is the Model 178B. Been real happy with it.

Is that the pump one or CO2? How many cc's can you shoot in a single dart? Thanks

Yes it's the pump-up one. 10cc's is the biggest dart they make. B&G
Dave":26232347 said:
I have a Pneu dart. I don't remember the model number but it is a pump up model. I really like it. To me the advantage of a pump versus a CO2 is you know how much power you have every shot. I would hate to fill a dart with an expensive drug only to find out the CO2 is nearly out and the dart gets half way to the cow. About 8 or 9 pumps on mine and it hits them pretty hard at 20-30 yards. The biggest dart is 10 cc.

Sorry, I didn't read down far enough to know you'd already answered their question. Merry Christmas! B&G
I have the MediDart cross bow. Doesn't shoot as far, 20yds or so. Have to arc it in there. But I got a Cap-Chur gun also, due to a friend loving his. I can't get it zeroed in and found that different loads etc change trajectory drastically. With my small herd, I just catch them. Besides the guns make them skiddish
Get the one that uses the .22 blank to fire the dart.
10cc darts are about 4.50 each.
I use mine a lot. Even use it sometimes when the cattle are in the pens and I don't want to get one hot getting it to the corral.
It's a pneudart built in a marlin .22 frame.
jedstivers":m0rd6k2o said:
Get the one that uses the .22 blank to fire the dart.
10cc darts are about 4.50 each.
I use mine a lot. Even use it sometimes when the cattle are in the pens and I don't want to get one hot getting it to the corral.
It's a pneudart built in a marlin .22 frame.
Best one out there
Have used it several 100 times and it still as good as new and you don't have to worry about the pump up kind or c02 kind leaking
Spend the $$$ once and never spend them again
A word to the wise-or unwise-if you have a Pneudart rifle....find the spent dart and check it. I mean pick it up and shake it in a needle down fashion to make sure it delivered the drug. This past summer, I found that approximately 1 out of every 5 darts never delivered the medicine. They hit the mark but never detonated. The company wasn't very helpful about it. Said if I would send them the darts they would try to re-create my actions and see what went wrong. They would replace the defective darts but postage was on me.
I'm in the process of ordering a pneudart gun. On the pneudart rifle.... Can you recharge the darts? Or is it one and done? Also can you put 3ccs of meds in a 10cc dart? Or does it have to be the full 10cc?
I keep a variety of darts on hand. 3cc, 5, 7 & 10. Darts are not reusable. Go to their website. They have good training videos. Go through all of them. Under the 'support' category. When I first got mine, directions said to close the end of the dart with an antibiotic cream like Neosporin. Now, it seems they don't recommend doing that. I check their site from time to time to keep updated. Store your darts in a controlled environment-like somewhere in your house. Not the dash of your pickup! :roll: Someone told me about a feed lot that had gotten several cases of darts. Lots of money. And the guy who received the darts put them in an outside metal storage building. When it was discovered, the gel collars were melted on every dart. Ruined 'em all.
I have a Capchur gun and the biggest issue I have had has been with the darts themselves. I have found the charge to unload the syringe to blow out the plastic ferrules and only discharge half the dose. I have resorted to the old mop head ends on them, they have an aluminium base with an O ring and seems to be a lot stronger and reliable, just not as good a range and accuracy but in my herd I am not doing any long range shots.

We have and love a Penudart gun. It's a pump gun. We used to have a CO2 gun and it was handy but the power got inconsistent once you used a CO2 cartridge more than once and it got too expensive to use a new on every time. One thing that may have already been mentioned is make sure you have some sterile water on hand to add to the darts if you don't fill them all the way up with medication. (Ex-10cc dart with 5cc Duraxxin-add 5cc sterile water.) Ours paid for itself when over 3/4 of our calves ended up with pinkeye one year! We vaccinate them all now... :lol:
I had a bad experience using a dart gun. I've used one a handful of times and it went fine but the last was a disaster. Rented from a vet, was supposed to be set for me to shoot from around 20-25 yds. Shot q sick calf that I couldn't catch for crap. Dart hit her right her in the hock like I wanted and thbwhole dart penetrated her. Had to get to the vet and have the whole dart removed. I'm talking almost passed through. I gave the vet I rented from an earful x10. I was beyond livid after that. Paid the man 50 to rent his gun and then had that happen. I can't testify to the yardage I shot from to the T but I was at least 25 yds. I had used a gun a half dozen times before without a hitch. Inch higher and I would have hit the calves colon.
It literally knocked her down and when it did I knew we were in trouble. Went and got on top of her before she could get up and laid there with her until we could get a truck to us. The vet I took her to (which is the vet I had always used before but his gun was borrowed at the time) told me that ain't the first time he had seen this from the other guys gun

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