Crumby memory

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2003
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MO Ozarks
I can't remember who, but someone sent me an e-mail about sales etc. in this area later this year.
I missed one sale in my reply. The MO Red Angus association will have a sale March 17 at Springfield. Good sale usually. I picked up 6 head there last year.

I sure did. To this day I don't regret a penny I spent on them. Planning on going back this year. Hope there aren't any real lookers, I'm such a sucker for a pretty face (wife says cow rather then face)

Will those heifers calve this spring? IMO, good gentics are worth the money. For the first few years we had Angus, we tried buying cheap heifers and AI-ing them to good bulls. Eventually we realized you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (or something like that). We sure can't afford $10,000 cows, but you can buy good Angus genetics all over the place at very reasonable prices. You just have to identify what's "good." And what you can pay for it.
We got 4 heifers and a cow with a heifer calf at side. All but the calf will be calving in March, first service conceptions on all of them. The nice part is that they come from different places. The pair from Indiano, one heifer from Iowa, two heifers from southern MO, the other heifer from northern MO. We were able to really pick and choose the types of animals that fit for us. There was one other heifer that I really would have liked to have, but 5k was way,way, way out of my league.
We'll be shipping out the last of our blk Angus cows this year so we're thinking of picking up somemore at this years sale. The problem being that the sale will be before a couple of the ladys that we would like to keep heifers from won't have calved by then. Won't know if we will need heifers or not. But I'm such a sucker for a pretty face, I'm sure I'l end up with something.


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