I am very new to having cattle (1 month) I live in N.E. Florida. I have 4 cows. My oldest female, Blondie,age unknown, looks to be full size. Blondie had a calf a year ago in April. Saturday she went down. She had white mucus coming from her nose and a little bit from her eye. She would defecate where she lay on her side. Saturday i could get her to roll up briefly on to her middle but then with out a prop she would roll back on to her side. She had shallow breathing. We tried to give her fresh water and hay but to no avail. We have been feeding our cows a mixture of 1 bale of hay a day along with Sweet feed and loafes of bread. However my husband was sick on Thursday and I went out to feed them. With him sick i didnt make the trek out to the barn to give them hay and sweet feed, insted i fed them abunch of bread. Blondie is a hog and would force all of the others away to get to the food. I think she gluttoned herself. My Dad said she may be impacted(?) and bloated. But with the liquid manure she had i didnt think that was the case. In one of my books she exibited the signs of shipping fever. She died late yesterday. I just would like some ideas of what it may have been. Did i feed them too much bread? Not enough hay? I have some antibotics (we gave her 2 shots) should i give the other 3 a shot too?
Your help is much appriciated.
Your help is much appriciated.