cow-calf hoof damage

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most of my herd has begun to limp and it looks like the hoof is cracking in different places --is this a mineral deffincy or what could it be --please help
Could be minerals, check with your local county agent to see what minerals are lacking in your soil. If you aren't feeding a minera;ized salt, start. That is assum,ing they are on pasture. you can pasture or hay analyzed to see if something is missing/lacking. If you are in a very dry area could be what we used to call sand cracks, caused by the hoof drying out too much. In the desert we always had a wet area around the water tanks that the cows had to walk in to reach water.

dunmovin farms

> most of my herd has begun to limp
> and it looks like the hoof is
> cracking in different places --is
> this a mineral deffincy or what
> could it be --please help

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