While I don't like the idea of Mandatory ID, I can see the value of it and could support it, assuming a level playing field for all. That level playing field includes not placing another burden on our market operators to do something for free because some operators refuse to.
And no matter who pays for the method of ID, we will all have some financial risk that we wouldn't otherwise have. Sell your calves at weaning? Well, that's too bad. You've still got to run them through the chute before you load them. More chances for that broken leg or neck. And its a sure thing on the stress and shrink. What about those crippled bulls that you could have just eased down the alley and onto the truck? Process them through the chute anyway. I can see a lot of costs for producers that we'll just have to absorb. Even with all of that, I suspect that its probably the thing to do for the future of our Industry.
With that said, I guess I'll have to fight you guys over the mandatory COOL issue. We've got too much government mandated stuff to put up with now. Anything we ask the government to do for us ends up being a disaster. Look at mandatory price reporting. Surely we haven't already forgotten how much less price reporting we had after that?
I agree that the consumer has a right to a safe product and to know where that product came from. But, in my opinion, if COOL was really such an important issue to the consumer, the marketplace would have already provided for it. Just as the packers have made great strides with some of their voluntary food safety practices, I feel like they would do the same with labeling if there was a definite dollar value associated with it.
Why not try a workable, voluntary COOL before we ask for something that we as producers will almost certainly bear the burden of paying for? Industry groups like the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers are trying to work one out now. Why not give them a chance? Then if it doesn't work, we can always move forward later with the feds making us do it. I'm just afraid that if we start down the mandatory road, we won't like what we get, but by then it'll be too late!