To my understanding, work TG... during the growing season you're grazing stuff in stage 2 during the growing season. Or just barely into stage 3. This I have trouble with. Every Damm thing I graze is over mature. Sometimes to the point there's no green in it. Which isn't following the TG model.
There's a good post on the FB group by Josh Teague. It's lengthy put paints a clear picture of how it's "suppose" to be.
I do have trouble with my steers. Heifers do great, but steers not so much. I have boiled it doen to a hormone problem.
It was suggested to me to wait til they are 10 to 12 months prior to castration to benefit from the testosterone related gains of bulls. It 100% makes sense to me after seeing this last batch of steers. 90% of which were hairy as hell and were definitely not thriving the same as their sisters.
Next year I'm leaving bulls intact longer. I've been banging at 6 months.
My steers were far enough behind the girls that I wormed them. Which I do not do. I also pulled them up front and gave a bigger field to allow some selective grazing. They're starting to shape up.
There's always a give/take I'm learning.
I couldn't link to his post. Bit here are screen shots of the juicy bits you might find interesting.
I like the idea of grazing mature stuff on account of the particular type of root exudates given off when a mature plant is grazed. It's completely different than the sweet/sugary exudates given off when the plant is vegetative. That's a rabbit hole in itself I reckon.
All this is something most folks just aren't going to be interested in trying. Be it time constraints or whatever.
How do your cows and heifers look
@who cares