CIDR Heat Synchro

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It has been a while since I have had any cows AI'd. I have 2 heifers that I want to AI and when I asked the Vet if he wanted to use Synchro Mate, he said he would use CIDR's instead. Since I was not familiar with the product, I contacted a Vet supply company to try to find out something about it. The answer I got was that it is a product out of New Zealand that is not yet approved by FDA for legal importation but that it is "around". I would appreciate any information that anyone can provide concerning CIDR's. It seems that I recall Jason making a referance to them on one of these boards. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks'


[email protected]
It was my understanding that cidrs were imported to Canada from the States, but maybe I am wrong. I have used cidrs last year and just finished breeding 60 heifers done on a cidr program for a neighbor. They are the best response I have ever seen on a sync program.

Jason Trowbridge Southern Angus Farms Alberta Canada

[email protected]
I believe the CIDR implant is a product of a research facility in Mexico. They are not approved for use in the United States at this time, except for research. One of the graduate students at SMSU used some for his research project. He just presented his research this past week and might be able to give you more information.

[email protected]

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