If god was a rancher he would raise Angus cows and breed them to Hereford bulls, then he would take their offspring and breed them back to Angus bulls. God could certainly undertake this cross in 3 or 4 days compared to the conventional 3 or 4 days. Yes god would most certainly only raise English type cattle.
Why don't you enlighten us with your chosen breed, by simply calling me an idiot it tells me you don't want to engage in an intelligent conversation. Why don't you email me and we'll talk. Why don't you try to put me in my place many have tried but the lack of knowlege on this board is apalling. I believe i've helped many who are willing to listen to me as for the others you are a waste of my time. I'm willing to talk to anyone about Herford or Angus genetics i'm not into these fad breeds that come and go, backyard "ranchers" are also a waste of my time. The animosity for the Angus breed on this board is a joke, but i guess when your on top you open yourself for pot shots. It's called JEALOUSY. Yes I am here to further my agenda if you don't like it then i dont' care, I enjoy stirring the pot. Ive been born and raised in cattle country I know good cattle i've seen breeds come and go There is a reason that the Angus and Hereford cattle make up the large majority of beef cattle, it's called profitability, and that is the BOTTOM line in any operation.