I came home from work today to find a new born heifer calf. While doing the chores, twice I observed what I thought was mom knocking the calf out of the way when it tried to nurse. The calf was at the far end of the pasture and she may have been swatting flies. The calf is from a first time heifer.
I went to a dairy farmer and asked for some frozen chlorestrum (first milk). He sold me some of what he called "banded milk." The calf did not take any. Can I freeze this milk for later use if needed? Is it chlorestrum?
Mom seems very attentive to the calf, but not as protective as most of my cows. The other cows seem more protective when I handle the calf. Any suggestions or am I being overly concered.
I went to a dairy farmer and asked for some frozen chlorestrum (first milk). He sold me some of what he called "banded milk." The calf did not take any. Can I freeze this milk for later use if needed? Is it chlorestrum?
Mom seems very attentive to the calf, but not as protective as most of my cows. The other cows seem more protective when I handle the calf. Any suggestions or am I being overly concered.