> Mike
> Some one in this series said that
> the program probably needs some
> fine tuning. I agree with that and
> your point is well taken. In an
> ideal world, (??) I would like to
> think that the 5-10 million
> dollars you talked about, would be
> used for bigger and better ads to
> promote OUR product. We both know
> that it will seldom work that way
> and we would be well served to be
> able to place some checks and
> balances on the system. When some
> one comes up with a plan to do
> that, I will be in line to support
> it. In the mean time, I do not
> want to throw out the baby with
> the bath water. We have a good
> system that is doing a good job of
> promoting our product. I
> understand and appreciate what you
> are saying about taking mega bucks
> out of the producers hands, but on
> a cow to cow basis, I only sell my
> calves one time. This spring, I
> sold some cow calf pairs and the
> cows were young. It cost me $2.00
> per pair and that is all it will
> ever cost me. The cows may be sold
> 2 or 3 more times in their life
> time and we know the calves will
> be sold at least 4 or 5 more
> times. That is the decision of the
> new owners. We could exempt the
> feed lots from the program but why
> should he be exempt any more than
> the producer? We could exempt the
> producer that sells the calf for
> the first time but would that be
> fair to the backgrounder? My point
> is, when you talk about each
> animal producing multiple check
> off dollars, who gets the break? I
> am open to improvements in the
> system but we need to be sure they
> are quality improvements and not
> just eye wash and lip service to
> satisfy the mercenary desires of a
> few. I honestly believe, Mike,
> that you and I are on the same
> track, we just have a minor
> variance on this one point. One
> other consideration that has a
> bearing on this discussion. I
> believe that actors and athletes
> are way over paid, but the big
> names sell products whether it is
> shaving cream or steak. Just
> maybe,; those extra check off
> dollars are paying for the big
> names. Best regards,
> Mack I could be wrong about this and if I am it won't be the first time, but I understand that not all transfers require the $1.00 per head check-off when it is a order buyer that is buying for others! How that works I'm not sure, but the producer pays a $1 and then when the calf settles at it next home and that grazier/stocker sells another $1 is paid! A $1 is paid by the feeder when he sells to the packer and I would think that would be the last time a $1 is paid! I'm not sure that packers pay when product is shipped to groceriers? I could be wrong however!
Phil in MS.
[email protected]