I had a rancher tell me this week that he no longer gives his heifer calves a Bangs shot because we have eradicated the desease. He said that the only herds that were not certified bangs free was a couple of dairy farms near El Paso and the Buffalo in Yellowstone National Park. Can anyone shed any more accurate light on this subject. It seems that the last I read, there are still five or six counties in Texas that still have cattle with Bangs. Am I wrong? I<br>assist the Vet at the local sale barn every Saturday and we get 5 or 6 each month that will test card positive. Many of them are cleared when the state inspector runs a site test on them but some are not. I don't know what happens to them when they go to Austin but if they card test positive and site test positive, we certainly have something going on.<br> If any one has any current information as to how many herds and how many counties are still at risk, I would appreciate hearing from you. He has not convinced me and my heifers still get their bangs shot at about 6-8 months old.<br> Thanks for listening and responding,<br> Mack<br>
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