CattlePro Software

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We are thinking about buying some version of CattlePro to keep up with our cow herd. Does anyone have any first hand experience with using it? How hard is it to set up? Thank you.
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(User Above)":1sa7xtm3 said:
: We are thinking about buying some version of CattlePro to keep up with our cow herd. Does anyone have any first hand experience with using it? How hard is it to set up? Thank you.<p>I use CattlePro for 800+ of cattle. If you are going to buy one, get CattlePro Prime Plus. This one will allow you write what kind of reports you need. The program is pretty easy to install, and it works well. You can keep track of how many cattle, where they are located, what kind of vaccinations you give, breeding, calving and pedigrees. You can run reports showing adjusted weaning weights and yearling weights. This is the easiest program I have seen.<br>
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[email protected]
I have been using CattlePro for 5 years now. I am always looking at the new programs, and CattlePro is by far the easiest to use, and the most complete.<br>And it is customizable to my ranch. The support system is in a class by itself.
<ul><li><a href="">CattlePro 2000</a></ul>
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[email protected]
(User Above)":1ufzaiga said:
: We are thinking about buying some version of CattlePro to keep up with our cow herd. Does anyone have any first hand experience with using it? How hard is it to set up? Thank you.<p>
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(User Above)":1bkz7d75 said:
: I have been using CattlePro since March 1999. I am new to computers and the assistance that I have received from the staff at CattlePro rates A+. There is no dumb question. They make you feel at ease and will teach you to enjoy your program. The information that I have availabe on my cows in unbelievable.<br> The first time you work your cows and come back to your computer and update all your files at one time will leave you with a smile on your face all day. The cattle business is becoming very competetive. This program is an investment you will never regret.<br> Check them out at for a free demo.<p>
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(User Above)":7dslob1u said:
: We are thinking about buying some version of CattlePro to keep up with our cow herd. Does anyone have any first hand experience with using it? How hard is it to set up? Thank you.<p>I have used Cattlepro Choice Plus and Prime Plus for several years now.<p>Cattlepro is not that hard to set up and use. They probably provide the best support of any software outfit. I called Harold many times when I first bought Choice Plus from him. He expects that from new users. I was learning Windows and Cattlepro at the same time, and had no real trouble.<p>There have been very few problems, and they respond very quickly to any requests or problems.<p>The flexibility of the program to customize the information you want to enter and get reports on is really great. I'm always thinking of new things to look at about my cows and calves. You really start to see what practices are paying off and what cows aren't.<p>Try the program, you will never regret spending the money for it. It is probably the best piece of management equipment I have for my cows.<p>Good Luck!<br>Tom<p>The 'Plus' versions give you the custom report writer feature which is a definite thing to get.<p>I upgraded to Prime Plus a year ago and have had no problems with either version.<p>
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[email protected]
(User Above)":3fc7kj2d said:
: We are thinking about buying some version of CattlePro to keep up with our cow herd. Does anyone have any first hand experience with using it? How hard is it to set up? Thank you.<p>Linda.<p>I have been using cattlepro for 2 years now and my only regret is that I have not been using it longer. I am located in north central Alabama and operate a 300 head cow/calf operation. Cattle Pro simply takes the guess work out of the operation. As everyone we are in the business to make a profit. The first thing the program did is show us who was making money and who was not. Then it shows you who is your best producing animals. In the two years we have used the program we have culled half our dams. Our calf crop today is much more uniform.<br>The program is very easy to use and the support to set up and get you going is very good and you get more than just program support, you get valuabe information on animal husbandry from people that know and understand cattle. I have used other programs but this one is in a class by itself.<p>Rick Story
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[email protected]

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