Catch pen

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Nov 17, 2019
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I'm building a catch pen/feed lot.. looking at something that is 100 ft x 30 ft.. what are some things to place inside (sand, gravel etc...) to keep it from becoming a mud pit?
schamblee said:
I'm building a catch pen/feed lot.. looking at something that is 100 ft x 30 ft.. what are some things to place inside (sand, gravel etc...) to keep it from becoming a mud pit?

Scrape off the topsoil, put down landscape fabric, then large stones, then smaller stones, then top it with crushed limestone. Beware, this will only last until the manure builds up and forms a gooey slush. At that time scrape it off and bring in fresh limestone. Be sure and have a couple of gates wide enough to drive a tractor through.

Best of luck.