Sisters might have the same EPDs, but they might not. If one is born, say three years later than the other, more data might have been reported and the younger cow's EPDs might be better, or worse, than her sister's. Like human sisters, there are variations within families.
We had breed associations long before we had EPDs. The American Angus Assn. doesn't "charge" for EPDs. When I register cattle, their EPDs are listed on their registration certificate. There's no charge for them. EPDs are updated twice a year and there's no charge for that. If I choose not to register a calf, I don't pay the AAA a cent. Are you suggesting that the AAA should consolidate their data with the other breeds? Why should they do that? Angus breeders have reported millions of BW, WW, YW, ultrasound data, etc., to create the Angus EPD database. MARC has created a set of across breed EPDs that anyone can use free of charge. (They're paid for by our tax dollars.)
EPDs will tell you what you can EXPECT in mature height and weight, in relation to other bulls or cows. That's all EPDs allow you to do, compare one bull or cow to another when breeding them to the similar bulls or cows. EPDs will never tell you what anything will weigh, how it will grade, or how tall it will be. That's not what EPDs do.