its a tough call sometimes to know what to do... and sometimes you just get tired of fooling with one or dont have the time...
i went to our county cattlemens meeting last night and a couple of older cattlemen told me to keep him alive even if i had to keep tubing him, and maybe he would finally catch on. so i decided to get up early and go fight momma again this morning and tube him...
amazing... when i got there and momma started walking off, he trotted off behind her... first time i have seen him move that fast... in the past he has slowly walked behind her with her steadily leaving him behind...
i turned my truck around and went back home..
i know he might be dead tomorrow, but right at this very moment things are looking better..
> I was given a calf like that last
> year -- she was on her way to be
> put down, owner happened to stop
> at our gas station on the way and
> I ended up with the calf. She was
> tubed fresh milk twice daily and
> electolyte solution once daily for
> probably a week, then on a bottle
> after that -- she's now 900 lbs,
> beautiful, and ready to breed.
> Sometimes that extra bit of work
> pays off.
> Annn B
[email protected]