: : Have a cow with newborn bull calf. The cow appears to have plenty of milk and the teats look normal, but the calf is not getting any milk. The calf has been persistent in it's efforts, going from teat to teat. Called vet and he said the teats are closed and there is nothing to resolve this problem. Anybody heard of this? <p>: It all depends....has she had calves before? Unless she's had major teat damage to all 4 teats after raising her last calf, I'd sooner think mastitis. If it's a heifer, there's sometimes a membrane up in the teat canal (you can get a cannula into the teat canal, just no milk) which I've broken on a few animals (it's fairly uncommon) and gotten normal lactations. To be honest, these were Holsteins! Did your vet actually examine this animal?<br>: Good Luck<br>: V<p><br>She had her first calf last year, same problem. She is a registered Angus cow. Our vet has not actually examined her. I plan on contacting another vet. This is good information, really appreciate you taking the time, I am sure it prove to be useful. Thanks again.<br>