> IM diuretics such as lasix
> (furosemide) have a very transient
> effect. Frankly, if this was my
> calf, I'd do a full exam including
> Temp Pulse Resp, possible joint
> tap and culture of the affected
> joint(s) and proper treatment. If
> someone was just going to pop an
> antibiotic into this animal, I
> just wanted to advise that
> penicillin doesn't treat
> mycoplasma, and that tets do. I
> can't diagnose based on this
> limited history enough to be sure
> of any treatment, which is why I
> usually advise someone to seek
> proper veterinary advice. I guess
> I forgot this time. We're all
> human, and I'm a little more human
> than most, I guess! V Vicki how long would you give tetracycline 3-4 days? And how long before you should see a reduction in swelling if it works?What are the long lasting effects this ailment has on the animal?Would you cull it?By the way thank you and everyone else that posted!
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