Any body have a rule of thumb as to when to start helping a heifer calve ?
?? minutes after the water bag shows ?
?? minuutes after feet start showing ?
?? minutes after the calves tounge sticks out (lack of air) ?
Or if she's a heifer "You better get her in and start helping"
I have started to soon and they don't want to take the calf later.
Maybe this should be a poll, But I don't know how to do that.
?? minutes after the water bag shows ?
?? minuutes after feet start showing ?
?? minutes after the calves tounge sticks out (lack of air) ?
Or if she's a heifer "You better get her in and start helping"
I have started to soon and they don't want to take the calf later.
Maybe this should be a poll, But I don't know how to do that.