If the calf hasn't nursed yet tou're probably fighting a loosing battle. A calf requires clostorum within a couple of hours of birth to develop antibodies for disease resistance. Catch the cow, lock her up and force her to let the calf nurse. If her udder is very sensitive, which it frequently is with a heifer, tie her so she has to stand in one spot or put her in a chuye. Pass a rope over her back and just forward of her udder. Pull the rope tight, very, very tight. That prevents the cow from being able to kick (much). Get the calf unde there to nurse. If it won't nurse on it's own now, squirt some milk into it's moth and it should get the idea. May not hurt to squirt a little milk from each teat first to make sure that there isn't a mastitis problem and to relieve a little of the pressure. If the calf won't/can't nurse, milk the cow out and bottle feed or tube the calf. After the calf nurses the first time, keep them penned together or at least confined in a smallish area where you can recatch the cow if need be. After a couple of days the calf should be able to nurse on it's own
> I have a brahama heifer that had a
> calf yesterday (12-14-03). When
> the calf droped he was quickly
> trying to nurse. The cow would not
> let him get any milk. This
> morning, a mini jack stomped on
> and bit the calf. He looked like
> he was just shook up a bit, he was
> walking fine after the attack. The
> cow in return hid the calf in the
> woods and still will not nurse the
> calf? She stays with the rest of
> the herd and will only come to her
> calf if she sees someone walk
> twards it. It is now dark, should
> i move the cow and calf to a pen
> tomarrow? Or should i just leave
> it be? Could any one give me some
> good advise? Please help. Thanks
> is advance.
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