A point of clarification (IF my assumptions are correct): I think the folks that posted about "Mexican buzzards" are really referring to "Crested Caracaras", also known as Mexican eagles. I believe they are the national bird of Mexico and are the bird depicted on the Mexican flag. They are members of the falcon or eagle family and are aggressive and opportunistic carnivores --- their diet is NOT limited to carion as with true buzzards and vultures. I see a lot of Caracaras in areas where folks hunt geese here along the southeast Texas coast, as they quickly dispatch wounded geese that have been marginally hit by pellets and then flown or sailed far away to land. I don't have any first hand knowledge of them harassing or attacking newborn calves, or calves actually in the birthing process. Also, I think that about 10 or 20 years ago Caracaras were added to the endangered species list, which makes more severe the implications of shooting one, although I really don't know how in hell they could be considered to be endangered these days, with as many as there are in Texas. Nevertheless, for you folks in Texas that feel compelled to shoot them if they are harming newborn calves, etc. keep in mind that their are just a very few birds that are actually legal to kill. If you must kill them (and I am not suggesting or encouraging you to do so) the SSS rule seems to be appropriate --- shoot, shovel and shut-up.