I have 5 cows I want to breed that I bought in January of 2004. They are 4-6 yrs old, 4 have 4 mo old calves at side. The guy who was going to let me borrow his bull tried but couldnt get his bull loaded up in his stock trailer to bring him to my place. I dont know of anyone else who has a bull I could rent or borrow, and not wanting to let anymore time go by without breeding them, I have decided to go and buy my own bull! I am looking for a black or red angus bull and have circled about 7-8 in my local paper for sale in my area. Any advice you folks can give me would be appreciated, such as what to look for, what not to see on the bull, questions to ask the seller. What is the minimum age I should consider for a bull? I want him to get down to business ASAP! Would a young bull be intimidated by my large cows? They are angus/crossed cows and I am wanting to stay with the angus line. The local prices are anywhere from $850 for a 16 mo old bull to $3000 for a registered black angus. I am really wanting to get in for around $1000-$1200 if possible.
So what should a first timer look for in a bull and what questions should I ask? Any way of looking at a bull and knowing how good of a breeder he might be?
So what should a first timer look for in a bull and what questions should I ask? Any way of looking at a bull and knowing how good of a breeder he might be?