As of now we don't have any calves out of the 2 year old. He is out of Deatsmans Justice and an outcross cow. His milk epd leaves something to be desired, but his dam raises calves with some good weaning weights. If we decided to sell him we would encourage the buyer to use him primarily as a terminal cross. We kind of like him though, so we will see. His reg. # is NPM 1877847. We are really happy with the three year old. His first calf crop is weaned and they look good. We are keeping 3 out of four of his heifer calves for replacements and 1 of 3 bulls to sell for breeding. We used him only on heifers and 2nd lactation cows last year. No calving problems. His bw epd is higher than I would usually use for a heifer though. I guess we just felt comfortable with him. This year we used him to clean up about 15 heifers and 15 cows. . He is out of JCL lodestar from a Guardian granddaughter. His reg. # is 1858411. All of our registered cattle get AI once, but it is nice not to have too much of a drop of to the cean up bull. As for temperments both of the bulls are pretty docile. I caught the three year old and put him on a halter this fall. Just for fun. When they are at the bunk you can "pet" either of them. We don't trust any bull though.