Bull's penis

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Two year old bull's penis sticking out about 4" and has a scrape on the side of it. It seems swollen. Should I needle him or call the vet as it may be serious. Any suggestions of what it is and what to do. Thanks

[email protected]
I would say call a vet it sounds like it maybe a condition called broken penis. If it isnt fixed soon you risk getting infection and then the bull may not be able to breed.
> I would say call a vet it sounds
> like it maybe a condition called
> broken penis. If it isnt fixed
> soon you risk getting infection
> and then the bull may not be able
> to breed.

I looked at it closely and his shieth is scraped and cut. He must of stepped on himself. I cleaned it and sprayed it with disinfection. I also needled him with L.A. penicillen. Anything else that I can do.

[email protected]

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