I just heard on the news and then read on the net (USDA), that they were aware of the "possible" BSE case on December 9th. Apparently, tests are done at slaughter houses on; particulary "downer" cows, as this cow was. Then while the tests are being processed and BEFORE they know diddly, they put the meat from the tested cow into the meat supply. So, after the meat is intermingled with all the other meat, they decide that the cow might have had BSE.. so now tons of meat are recalled. Why on this earth do they test if they just put the meat in with the rest before they know anything???? Does that not seem to only increase the losses? Additionally, I read the report on this cow is still "presumptive", meaning not conclusive. So we report to the world that we found a case of mad cow in the US, the beef market goes to hell and we are still in the "presumptive" stage? Someone please explain this madness, sounds like our own worst enemy might be us. It would also seem to me that the way to handle this is to hold your beef if you can..try to keep the supply below the demand. This whole thing makes me sick.