> Red Angus are 100% Angus unless
> otherwise specified. American Red
> Brangus are any percentage of
> Angus and Brahman typically around
> 50 / 50. International Red Brangus
> are 5/8 Angus 3/8 Brahman. Angus
> plus are any combination of Angus
> and Brahman with 50% or less
> Brahman typically less than 3/8.
> Confused yet?
> Some black Angus carry the red
> gene and will at times throw a red
> calf when breed to Brahman. The
> easiest way to get to Red Brangus
> is to use Red Angus.
Frankie is right. The American Red Brangus Breeders Association will register most with as little as 50% Angus. However most are about 3/4 Angus.
The International Red Brangus Breeders Association will only register 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus. The foundation stock came from the Black Brangus that had a donminate red gene and had a red calf.
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