Brangus plus

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Don't kinow about Brangus plus, but Angus Plus is a trademarked name by the Red ANgus Association. To qualify as Angus Plus it must be a minimum of 50% Angus either red or black. It was developed to allow angus genetics and Brahman genetics to complement each other. Brangus being 5/8 Angus 3/8 Brahman. Maybe in your cow herd you would like a little more Brahman influence or maybe a little less then 3/8 Brahman and still have a marketing option supporting you. That's where Angus Plus comes in. The RAAA web site covers it in more detail. ""

dunmovin farms

> Is this breed half angus and half
> brangus. If so is it just to get
> the angus percentage up a little
> more?